DigiCert Software Trust Manager

DigiCert Software Trust Manager is an innovative solution to manage and secure digital certificates for software signing. In today's cybersecurity-critical environment, this tool provides a centralized platform for efficient certificate management, code signing automation, and tamper protection. It is an ideal solution for development teams, large corporations, independent software vendors and security professionals who want to ensure the trustworthiness and integrity of their software.

Key features of DigiCert Software Trust Manager Software

Software Trust Manager offers users several key features. Let's take a closer look at them.

Certificate management

DigiCert Software Trust Manager offers a centralized platform to manage digital certificates. This means users can easily add, update and monitor their certificates from one place. This centralized approach makes it easier to manage certificates while reducing the risk of them being lost or misused.

Automated code signing

One of the most important Software Trust Manager features is that it can automate the code-signing process. Automation ensures all software is signed correctly and on time, eliminating human error and ensuring application integrity. This feature is particularly useful for organizations with many software releases where signing manually would be time-consuming and error-prone.

Secure issue

Trust Manager software provides robust security measures to protect digital certificates against unauthorized use. Certificates are stored in a secure environment and only authorized users have access to them. This ensures that only trusted individuals can sign code on behalf of the organization, reducing the risk of compromise.

Compatibility and Integration

DigiCert Software Trust Manager is designed to be compatible with various development and CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) tools. This facilitates integration into existing workflows and enables seamless code signing within the development cycle. Support for a wide range of tools and platforms ensures that organizations can easily add security layers without requiring significant changes to their processes.

Who is DigiCert Software Trust Manager suitable for?

The Trust Manager software is an advanced tool that is not suitable for individuals or small businesses. It is intended for large teams and software publishers, allowing the number of certificates and signatures to scale without limit.

The main stakeholders interested in Software Trust Manager typically include:

  • Development Teams: Software Trust Manager is an essential development team tool that regularly releases software updates. By automating and centralizing certificate management, developers can focus on more creative processes such as coding and innovation, without having to worry about security aspects, effectively and continuously managed by Software Trust Manager.
  • Large Corporations: Large organizations with complex IT infrastructures and numerous applications appreciate Software Trust Manager's ability to centrally manage certificates. This simplifies their control and enhances security across the organization.
  • Independent Software Vendors (ISVs): ISVs need to ensure that their products are trustworthy and secure for end users. DigiCert Software Trust Manager provides them with code-signing tools that protect their reputation and enhance their software solutions’ credibility.
  • Security Experts and Compliance Teams: Security teams and compliance experts require tools to ensure that organizations meet all relevant security standards and regulations. Software Trust Manager offers essential auditing and reporting features that facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements.

DigiCert Software Trust Manager is an indispensable tool for any organization looking to ensure their software’s security and integrity. Its wide range of features and ability to integrate into existing workflows make it an ideal choice for development teams, large corporations, independent software vendors, and security professionals. With DigiCert Software Trust Manager, organizations can be confident that their software is protected against unauthorized modifications and that their digital certificates are managed efficiently and securely.

More information and resources

All the features and benefits of Software Trust Manager are best summarized in the product datasheet, which you can find here.

Of course, the most detailed source of information on Software Trust Manager and its use is the official documentation. It is public and can be found here.

How to get Software Trust Manager

Setting up signature automation and integration into existing processes is an individual matter. Contact us and we will help you find the best-tailored solution for you.